Tax policy has a long, complex, and fascinating history. In Canada, tax policy has evolved over time in relation to the various forces working on it. At the turn of the 20th century, few would have predicted the adoption of an income tax in 1917. Nor would they have predicted the growth of value-added taxation, which began after the Second World War in France and Brazil. Dare we say it would be impossible to forecast what Canada’s tax system will look like at the end of the 21st century?
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Tax policy has a long, complex, and fascinating history. In Canada, tax policy has evolved over time in relation to the various forces working on it. At the turn of the 20th century, few would have predicted the adoption of an income tax in 1917. Nor would they have predicted the growth of value-added taxation, which began after the Second World War in France and Brazil. Dare we say it would be impossible to forecast what Canada’s tax system will look like at the end of the 21st century?
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